Red Sox Chick/Toeing the Rubber

Because you always need a backup plan

Behold the flowing flagon moist and sweet

BoSox and Bruins on the Screen Monsters at Jerry Remy's (taken with the phone so forgive the poor quality!)

BoSox and Bruins on the Screen Monsters at Jerry Remy's (taken with the phone so forgive the poor quality!). Can you see Wally in his Adirondack chair?

Got to watch the Sox/Rays game Monday night at Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar and Grill.  I’ll be honest, I went in expecting to be disappointed and I was only disappointed in that I wasn’t disappointed at all.

Okay, that’s not entirely true.  Let’s get the one major disappointment out of the way:  the ladies’ room and its lack of televisions.

Now maybe for some this wouldn’t be a big deal.  I don’t usually walk into every public ladies’ room expecting there to be televisions but the Cask ‘n’ Flagon has me spoiled.  So when a new sports bar opens I have to figure (or hope) there will be a tv in the bathroom.  At Remy’s there isn’t.  Wouldn’t be a big deal at all except that the waitress told me not only is there a television in the men’s room…there are three.  She went on to tell us that the men’s room is actually smaller than the ladies’ room (she also informed us that we weren’t the only people to question the lack of televisions in the ladies’ room).   So it’s smaller but it has three televisions (and, really, who spends more time in the bathroom, men or women?  Thank you).  My one regret for the night is that I didn’t sneak into the men’s room just to see.  I’m kicking myself for not doing it (hey there were only about 20 people in there all night so I could have done it without getting caught!).

So for their treating men like sports fans and women like people who are just there to be with their men…Remy’s gets a failing grade.  Get with the program, Rem Dawg and start acting like the women fans count.  It’s not too late to slap a television in there.

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March 30, 2010 Posted by | 2010 | , | 5 Comments

Hiring man said, "Son if it was up to me"

Meeting Millar in 2003. I was very excited to meet him  which explains why I look so nervous in this photo.

Meeting Millar in 2003. I was very excited to meet him which explains why I look so nervous in this photo.

Kevin Millar has held a special place in my heart for a long time. Before his time in Boston began in 2003, I had watched him on “The Best Damn Sports Show Period” talking about how he was treated for being a ‘scrub’ in 1994 and how difficult it was to decide to play during the strike.  Immediately, I was drawn to him and I was excited to see him on the Red Sox.  I knew he was no All Star but I’ve always had a penchant for bench players so I had no higher hopes for him than he be successful on his own level and help the team as much as he could.

At the time, I was a very active contributor to the Red Sox Fan Forum message board and the collective interest in Millar (and Todd Walker and other members of the team) turned into a website that I created ( – now defunct).  The site became very popular and I ended up in contact with various people who knew Kevin (including his mom and a former coach).  Kevin himself even left comments a few times.  He was very gracious and seemed to appreciate the love of the fans.  So he really won my fandom.

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March 30, 2010 Posted by | 2010 | , , | 6 Comments